My Female friend needed some fun and relaxing time. So I decided to offer her a massage, then I found out that she is very sensitive for tickling, so instead of a massage, I did bondage to her and I gave her an extreme tickling.
Her feet were so sensitive and she laughed so hard that I continued even when she begged me to stop. I just loved to see her laugh so hard, and at the same time her body was trying to move because she was so ticklish.
So it was a good idea to put her completely in bondage, so I could finish my tickling without her trying to run away. She was completely helpless, yelping, laughing and begging for Me to stop.
But I love it to tickle her soft feet and toes. I used My fingers and My nails to find the perfect rhythm to drive her insane.
She was so cute when she laughed.